Friday, November 1, 2013

Tender Points

This photo, courtesy of WebMD, shows the tender points for a person diagnosed with fibromyalgia. These points hurt when poked, it's almost like a bruised feeling. While the tender points are small areas, literally like points, most fibro patients also have deep muscle pain all over their bodies.

When I was a child, I remember climbing up on to my mother's lap only to be re-situated because of the pain I was causing her. Now, there are definitely moments of play when my significant other will tickle me or poke me and I feel that same deep pain. Considering that I participate in a contact sport, I feel this pain every time I train. It makes continuing my passion very challenging, especially since in the world of BJJ, the attack points line up with my tender points (elbows, knees, neck, even back). Sometimes when I'm on the bottom of a position I feel completely helpless. This is not how I teach my women to feel and it is not how I want to feel. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and my love for it is just another reason to manage the pain. I will work through this, even if I have to ice and heat every single night.


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